About Our Company

Flight Control® Max is manufactured by Arkion® Life Sciences.

Arkion® Life Sciences is a technology-based company that discovers, develops, manufactures and markets environmentally friendly, proprietary products and technology. Specifically, we are involved in four main markets:

Highly Effective Bird Repellent Products

Arkion® develops, manufactures and supplies patented and highly effective bird repellent products.

The active ingredient is the naturally occurring compound Anthraquinone. Firstly, Avipel® and AV-1011 protect agricultural seeds including corn and rice as well as developing products for seedling and foliar application. Secondly, Flight Control® Max is a goose repellent to protect turf. Lastly, Airepel® HC is a bird repellent for structures and buildings.


Bird Repellent For Corn Seed


Bird Repellent For Rice Seed


HC Bird Repellent For Structures



Arkion® Life Sciences LLC of New Castle, Delaware, formed in July 2001 to purchase the Life Sciences Group of DCV, Inc. 

Additionally, a goal was to advance their development work in biotechnology and life sciences. With the acquisition, Arkion® acquired all of DCV’s intellectual property. Most importantly, this included over 400 patents and patent applications and retained all key employees. Arkion has grown it’s number of patents to over 550 since the acquisition.

DCV, Inc. formed in 1987 as a group of joint ventures between DuPont and ConAgra. At that time, both companies shared the vision of bringing their technological capabilities together and diversity into the Life Sciences area. In August of 1997, the DCV management group and Windward Capital bought the joint ventures from DuPont and ConAgra.

Today, Arkion® focuses on establishing several business initiatives based on its technology platforms. To learn more about Arkion® Life Sciences and our other products, please visit our website: www.arkionls.com

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