Small Lot

It's Time to Take Back Your Turf!

Effective & Humane Method For Moving & Repelling Geese

Looking for the most effective Goose Repellent Product? If you have geese problems and a small area to spray, but can’t find an applicator, you may want to consider doing it yourself. Stop the Drop is a Goose Repellent Product that is easy to mix, apply and get real results. Be sure to watch our video or download the printable application instructions to achieve the best results.

One Quart

Will treat

20,000 ft²

One Time

Will treat

5,000 ft²

Four Times

Will treat

2,000 ft²

Up to Ten Times

Please note: Product Not Available In California, New York, or outside of the United States

What Are Benefits of Using Flight Control® Max?

Apply to Your Grass and Geese are Gone with Flight Control® Max!

Flight Control® Max is a proven, effective liquid goose repellent product that affects the way the bird perceives the food. 

Flight Control® Max is a proven, effective liquid goose repellent product that affects the way the bird perceives the food. Unlike other methods of goose control, Flight Control causes a learned response. Geese actually learn to avoid turf treated with Flight Control® Max. It is your friend for any Canada goose problem. There are many advantages to using Flight Control® Max:

No more cleaning up after messy geese! Keep your property neat and clean

Flight Control cost effective, saving you the costs of cleaning your property.

Waterproof – It will not wash off due to irrigation, rain or snow.

It has no unpleasant smell.

Virtually undetectable and works 24/7

Won’t harm the environment, pets or people

No need to reapply until grass grows or is mowed 3-4 times .

No slips and falls due to disgusting goose poop.

Flight Control is the most affordable goose repellent for a year round program

Best of All – no more wasted time cleaning or trying to scare them away

Flight Control® Max Works In Two Ways

Anti-feedant (consequence):

Geese experience a temporary but very effective digestive irritation, usually within 20 minutes, when they eat turf treated with Flight Control® Max. (NOTE: Geese are not harmed with the use of Flight Control).


Visual Warning (threat):

Geese have four retinal cones (unlike humans, who have three) and have the unique ability to recognize Flight Control® Max in the ultraviolet light spectrum in addition to the visible light spectrum in which humans see. The appearance of turf treated with Flight Control® Max is unnatural and, once conditioned to the digestive reaction, the visual signal of the treated turf provides a warning to the geese not to eat the turf. Studies have shown that birds will refuse to eat food treated with the active ingredient in Flight Control® Max once they are conditioned.

Treated turf appears natural when viewed by humans.

Treated turf appears speckled when viewed by geese in the UV spectrum.

Turf treated with Flight Control® Max

Under Normal Light

Under Ultraviolet Light

Portrait of beautiful goose shaking her wings, feathers. Gooses flock in background

Flight Control® Max is a different goose deterrent

First of all, while the grass is dormant it only needs to be applied once on the turf as it is water and snow resistant. Secondly, it’s not made from methyl anthranilate (MA), which has an unpleasant odor. It is a naturally occurring active ingredient that has a humane way to relocate Canada geese.

What Our
Customers Say


Printable Application Instructions

Canada Geese Seasonal Behavior Chart


  • Geese will sample the area. They may react by shaking their heads, drinking water, pecking at their bellies and rubbing their necks. (20-45 minutes for response time).
  • As the geese sample, the conditioning process begins.
  • They may feed several times, drinking in between, while being conditioned to respond.
  • Geese will learn that a treated area is not a good place to feed.
  • Geese have no choice but to find an alternative food source. This conditioning usually takes one to two days.
  • New droppings should decrease, and existing droppings will continue to age if allowed to remain in the drop zone turf, turning white with age.

Flight Control® Max has a unique patent and is unlike any other Canada Goose Repellent Product on the market today. Flight Control® Max DOES NOT use grape and does not have an odor. It will not wash off in rain or irrigation.

Not necessarily. Treat only the area where the geese actively feed, known as the “Drop Zone” – because it’s well marked by goose droppings. However, it’s important to treat the entire zone to keep geese off your property.

Typically they don’t. Geese have a specific list of feeding areas. Most of the time they will relocate to their next favorite site rather than to an untested section of your property.

During the first year of treatments, Stop the Drop with Flight Control® Max – should be used as a program which is defined according to your specific site needs. Once the geese are conditioned, Flight Control® Max is applied on an “as needed” basis. Most areas will need about 6-7 applications for year-round control.

No. Once Flight Control® Max drys on the turf, the active ingredient is a very fine solid particle that’s insoluble in water. Particles won’t come off the grass blade when it rains or when irrigated.

Flight Control® Max will be removed as the grass blades are mowed. The length of time for effective goose control depends on how fast the grass blades grow. It will usually last about 3-4 mowings. Your control program could require several applications to condition the flock to stay away. Frequency of reapplication diminishes as the geese are conditioned.

No. The active ingredient has been proven to work without harm to humans, pets, wildlife, or vegetation. The geese experience a short-lived digestive irritation, convincing them to stop feeding. Flight Control Max Goose Repellent Product approved by the US EPA for use on ornamental turf.

Experience shows they begin avoiding the treated area within 2 days after initial exposure. However, during nesting season you can only control where they feed until they are able to fly. After that, you can take back your turf.

Not available in California, Canada, or New York.

Get Rid of Geese.
Start Today.

Flight Control® Max is the most  affordable  and  effective  method for how to get rid of geese.
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